Represents cooperation of home and school in the education of children and teenagers (adolescents).Home and school are two important educational institution that are at the top of the factors that affecting the growth and development of the community youth behavior.
Each of the home and school association will not be possible to have a successful operation alone and they should be considered as a center and an educational institution and policies and programs that education design and implement ,in this two centers based on the one policy, one vision and one goal will be pursued.
Parents as a owners of capital and quarrying ,have the right to comment ,to monitor and in some cases have the right to interfere in education issues, and only in this way the complex and profound education process can be implemented in the correctly and properly form, and by the cause pf growth and excellence.
It is possible the behavior and practices of teacher training is different or conflicting with the parent’s training in the family, in which case it has a devastating effect on children’s character .based on the this important educational principle you can understood the need of communication and exchange between the parents and teachers. This communication in our education system is done through parents and teachers community.
Parents and teachers community is a selection of parents and teachers of school which is formed by aims to advance teaching and educating the students.
This boards, presents the useful suggestions and proposals to director and other officials, they considered as an intimate friends for managers to the better management in the school.
For the community activities of parents and teachers communication, there are a special regulation.
Leading in education services: We as a non- governmental institute, and effective in the field of education.
- Belive on human perfection and their movement to the virtues and put it on the base of our work.
- Belive on all abilities and difference of the member of the organization and with a continually increasing knowledge and updating the date, provide the field of the promotion of that.
We have tried to emphasize service.
Qualified teachers: One of the ongoing annual series of this institute in order to empower and promote the human capital is congress of increasing knowledge and thinking of teachers and employees.
Staff training is a crucial and in evitable issue that should be considered continuousing.